Saturday, February 23, 2013

R&D: Water Keying

This is an idea I'm just playing with at the moment, but I've been trying something out with blue screen:

I was wondering what kind of effects I could make by keying blue water. I'm not sure what I'm going to get out of this, but I'm just going to film it to see what happens.

Thursday, February 21, 2013


I couldn't sleep tonight. I guess it was a bit hot. So now I'm downstairs, sketching out an Idea I've got. I wanted to look into digital set extensions. Working with green screen has been something I've really wanted to try for a while now. An example of this is how it was used in the Hobbit:

A physical set, extended with digital elements. There have been a couple ways I thought I'd go about this. The first is to possibly rent out some cheap office space, clear it out for a few days and shoot some footage that way. Another way could be to plan, construct and film the set in a theater. Both are seemingly large logistical challenges in themselves, but I'm hoping with the right connections, things like this could be possible.

Well, my camomile tea's run out. Time to get some rest.


Monday, February 18, 2013

The new year

Hey guys, sorry for the long wait. There has been quite the transition from my old place to miramar, and now, with internet, I can continue to post regular blogs. I would like to keep it to a fortnightly post, including videos, photos and notes on the work I do, on my own and with friends.

First thing's first:

I was finally able to finish compositing the new showreel. It was only a matter of uploading it somewhere. I have decided to switch to vimeo, out of preference, really. I'm very eager to continue uploading videos on a much more regular basis. Watch this space...

I've also been very lucky enough to become involved with some very interesting projects. One of them includes something you might find interesting if you're into Doctor Who. And there are many more to come. Many of the things that are currently in production are still in the pre-production phase, and we look very forward to letting you in on it as soon as we can.

There is also now a Brainwheel Pictures page on the Big Idea. If you haven't heard of The Big Idea yet, you should definitely check it out:

Until next time, Thanks for reading


PS: another one of the cool things I've been able to do this month has been to raid my flatmate's makeup cabinet. Here's a short collection of what I've done with it: